
Be Yourself. Show Up As Yourself.

Aim to be yourself and show up as yourself when you attend events to promote your business. It can be hard at times when you feel nervous or anxious, yet the connections you have with others will be more meaningful.

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Hi, it’s Jen DeTracey, the founder of LIFT Strategies, one of Canada’s top marketing strategists and the author of the book Lift Strategies – Quick Tips to Engage Customers and Elevate Profits.

What am I doing sitting in the middle of the floor in my den/meditation space? Well, this morning I was meditating and I realized how relaxed and comfortable I feel. Not that every moment of meditation is blissful, most of it is not actually, but I thought, this would be a great to sit and do some quick tips.

The next series of quick tips are going to be in this space. Look at this, I’ve got my meditation blanket that is on me right now, it keeps me calm and grounded, and I’m sitting on a bolster. I’m in a very grounded place today.

What I want to talk about in this tip is when it comes to marketing, you are a part of your brand and in order to be true about who you are when you step out into the world, you need to be in your place of comfort. Here I am in a comfortable space, and stepping outside of my comfort zone by bringing you into the space and talking from this room.

At the same time, it really feels like a homecoming for me. Let’s look at when you go out in the world and you pick places to share your message and get to know people. For me, what I have found is when I’m in a large environment with a lot of people, truthfully, I find that really overwhelming. I’m not sure about you. There are some people that are quite extroverted that they just love that, the more people, the merrier, the more conversations they can have. There is no anxiety or fear there for them. I find can be anxiety ridden.

I can pull it off, I’m sure many of you can, but sometimes it’s ideal to look at environments that are a good fit for you. A good fit for you to market yourself, where you can feel as relaxed as possible and in an environment where you can be yourself. For me, I prefer small groups. If I can get into an environment and be part of a group that is brainstorming or be a mentor for a group of people, and I get to showcase how I think and my processes and it just organically comes out of me, I feel so good.

Number one, I’m giving to people, I’m being of service. Secondly, I channel what is true to me and how I can help people. Thirdly, I have so much fun in that environment. That works really well for me. Now, not to say I won’t ever go to an environment where there is a lot of people. I get up on stages and speak to hundreds and hundreds of people. It’s just that that is where I feel that I shine the most in a small group.

I want you to think about in yourself, where you shine the most when you go out to networking events and also think about things like clothing. You see people with more, sort of out there haircuts or different type of clothing.

Well, I think you need to dress in clothing that you feel comfortable in, that you can feel relaxed in, that you can feel you are standing tall in. If it’s a little different than when what everybody else is wearing, that’s okay. Don’t try and fit into a certain mold, just be yourself. Truly, that can be the scariest thing to do, to be that vulnerable, to show who you are.

I know there are so many times where I have to break out of the wall that I have because I feel anxious or nervous. I encourage you dress comfortably, wear things that you like, go to events that you feel are going to be a good fit for what you have to offer, and ones you feel that you can connect with people.

Ultimately, even if you have one great connection when you go out there and you do your networking that is a huge win. Go out there, test it out, see what works for you, and be yourself.

I’m Jen from LIFT Strategies. I’ll see you for next week’s quick tip.
