
Get Back To The Garden

Nancy Eagles of Inanna Herbal Remedies using the slogan “We’ve got to get back to the garden”. This is a line in one of Joni Mitchell’s songs.

To me this means we need to look at our business and get back to our garden. When you are an expert and recommend concepts or ideas to your clients be sure to walk you talk. Live your expertise through your own business.



  1. Thank you, Jennifer, for the reminder to walk my talk. It’s so easy to give advice to others and forget to use it myself.

    I like Nancy’s slogan – I suspect it also inspires her every time she says it. Which has me thinking about my slogan. It should inspire me and my clients, so time to rethink the wording of my slogan.

    1. That is a good point. If we get really moved by our own slogan every time we say it then it really is connected with our life purpose, isn’t it?

  2. Great thoughts, Jen. It’s so easy for business owners to get distracted from following their own advice. Good tip to remind us to treat our own business like a client’s and walk the talk.

    1. It is so easy these days to be swept up and consumed by serving our clients to the point where we lose sight of apply the expertise we give other to our own business. I can honestly say that I am far from perfect in this regard. What do know is that as long as I am actively marketing & selling myself as well as following the LIFFT Process (that I share with other business experts), then I’m on the right path.

      What about you?

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