
Increase Your Failure Tolerance [20 Ways]

Failure is not a dirty word.

It’s a word people don’t like to talk about, yet failure is the root of success.

Rarely will business owners tell you about their failures until they have become highly successful. In our society, failure is associated with feelings of shame.

Stressed business woman

Let’s face it talking about shame is an even more taboo to discuss than failure. If we ALL talked about our business failures no hold barred, what a relief that would be. Then no of us would feel alone.

Since talking about failure is not common place, let’s look at how to INCREASE failure tolerance.

Here are 20 WAYS to increase your failure tolerance:

1. Ask yourself what you have learned after you identify a failure
2. Find another way, test and try again
3. Repeat #2
4. Never give up
5. Celebrate your wins no matter how small
6. Call a friend tell them how crappy you feel
7. Do an activity you really enjoy
8. Write about your experience
9. Ask for a hug
10. Exercise, it’s a great way to process what happened
11. Write down 5 successes to disarm your failure
12. Find out from your colleagues what their last failure was
13. Change your surroundings after a big let down
14. Take a deep breath and let it out
15. Scream, cry and feel your disappointment
16. Meditate
17. Ask for help
18. Learn a proven system
19. Hire a consultant or coach to guide you
20. Welcome more failures because this is how you move towards success

One of the most common areas for solo and small business owners experience failure is Marketing.

The best way to improve your ability to market your business more effectively is to learn a proven marketing system. Here’s my Proven Marketing System – – Crack the Marketing Code.

Find out more about this online program to see if it is right for you.

Signing up for Crack the Marketing Code could be one of the most empowering steps you take towards increasing your failure tolerance while improving your ability to market your business better.

Starting today, try one way from the list above to increase your failure tolerance.

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Let me know how it goes.

P.S. Have questions? Feel free to contact me at 604.255.2098 or jen[@}
