
75% of Business is Lost Due to Lack of Customer Engagement

Marketing campaigns become irrelevant when an organization does not put focused efforts into engaging customers, as a result, 75% of business opportunities are lost and companies are leaving money on the table.

There are three critical areas in which customer engagement is necessary for small business success: Conversion, Frequency, and Maintenance.

Conversion – Good marketing strategies and strong promotions should increase call volumes and business traffic, but if the front-line staff does not have the ability to convert prospects into customers then efforts are wasted. The ability to connect with the customer is essential in business and this comes down to asking the right questions, developing rapport and providing helpful solutions.

Frequency – Many forms of promotion, including social media, email marketing and advertising, require frequency. Sending out an email blast once or running one ad rarely generates business. Businesses must maintain regular contact with prospects and customers. Frequency is an effective method of building and engaging relationships with those we want to do more business with.

Maintenance – It costs up to 15 times as much to get new customers as it does to keep the ones we’ve got. Maintenance marketing is a great way to stay connected to the customers you love. This can be done through thank-you cards, social media, lunches, emails, special offers and follow-up phone calls. The number of ways to follow up with our customers is endless. If your company does not have a maintenance marketing plan in place then it is at risk of losing exponential business opportunities.

My new book, Lift Strategies: Quick Tips to Engage Customers and Elevate Profits explores these three areas as well as focuses on how small business can develop their competitive advantage, maintain healthy profits, and attract emerging fans. It contains 89 quick tips for business owners with limited time and energy on how to find the resources to increase and retain customers.


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