
How Mobile Friendly is Your Website?

If you do a search on Google for “responsive website,” you will see more than 146,000,000 results. This is a hot topic.

So what is a responsive website?
It is a website designed to be viewed with greater ease on all mobile devices, including tablets and smartphones. It is convenient because the user no longer has to scroll from left to right to read the text and view images on each page especially on a smaller screen. The text and graphics in the website have been designed to fit the screen of the device the user is viewing them on. The user is only required to scroll up and down to view the contents of each page regardless of which device they are using.

My Lift Strategies website is now responsive. Check it out on your mobile device.Screenshot_2014-12-12-07-29-52

Aside from the greater ease and convenience, why would you invest in redesigning your website to be responsive?

1. If it is time to update your website, now is the time to move to a responsive platform.

2. Google will love you more. Although it hasn’t been published officially, Google wants websites to be responsive and is rewarding businesses who are doing so by giving them more exposure and higher rankings. I did a search on my smartphone for “Lift Strategies”. It shows up first under organic searches and indicates the site is “mobile-friendly.”

3. Google also showcases all of my company’s main menu categories as part of this search on my smartphone. I checked the websites of other businesses which do not have a responsive website, and they are not getting the same exposure on Google.

4. If your website does not have a responsive design, yet you have mobile options with your current website hosting company, then it could hurt your rankings with Google. With a responsive website, each page changes size depending on the device it is being viewed on, but the coding for each page stays the same. Google wants each website page to have the same coding no matter how the page shows up on a user’s mobile device. If the coding is different, then the content is deemed redundant because it shows up from more than one source. This can have negatively impact your Google ranking.

5. Your clients and prospects will love you. When you can make the content easier to view on multiple platforms, you have a competitive advantage.

When will you make your website responsive?


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