
Pivot Away from Procrastination

Procrastination vs. productivityImagine what would be possible for you if you reduced procrastination by 50 percent.

For the most part, I think we are aware of when we step into procrastination mode, whether it be intentional or not.

It starts with the little things like hopping on to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Just for a few minutes, of course. But then we get sucked into the vortex. Thirty minutes go by. How did that happen? You check the time, come back to the present moment and realize you now only have twenty minutes to finish the quote you promised a new customer.

This wasn’t the first time today you pivoted toward procrastination.

As you entered your office in the morning, you immediately reviewed your list of key priorities for the day.  You noticed this feeling of dread wash over you when you got to item number two. Prepare for client meeting. With that client. The one who zaps your energy. Since there was no one to pawn this off to, you procrastinated by spending too much time on the first task on your list. What would normally take five minutes ended up taking an hour. First it was getting another coffee, then it was the bathroom, and finally cleaning of the computer monitor.

You tell yourself, this is just today. But when you think about the past week, you realize this is a recurring and persistent problem.

Let’s explore where procrastination grows roots.

As a business owner, you most likely wear many hats. During your day to day activities, you recognize that there are aspects of what you do that you choose to focus on and others you avoid. Yet both areas are essential to the success of your company.

This is when procrastination can take hold. Once it does, it can be difficult to shake off. It becomes an undesirable habit that lives inside of you. Eventually it can even become a massive distraction from the work you are most passionate about doing. At this point, no matter what systems and processes you have in place, the tasks you dread to do most are the ones that linger the longest.

How do you pivot away from procrastination?

First, understand the three factors that can keep you in a procrastination loop:

  1. Getting Stuck
  2. Lacking Focus
  3. Lacking Vision

Getting Stuck

Over the past 19 years, business owners have come to me for help because they have hit a plateau in growth. They want to move their revenues forward faster. Often the reason for the stand-still or drip growth happens because they are stuck: they don’t know what to do next.

Feeling stuck breeds procrastination.

Lacking Focus

When you lack focus, you feel scattered. You start one task before finishing the previous one. You see a shiny object and abandon everything to follow it down a rabbit hole. That’s how lack of focus leads to another layer of procrastination. With lack of focus it’s more difficult to feel, sense and get rooted in your company’s vision.

Lack of Vision

Lacking a vision can block your energy and limit opportunities. It can lead to the other two causes of procrastination. Without a vision of where you want to go, you don’t know what to focus on or what to do next, which gets you stuck in a rut.

Refreshing your vision so it is crystal clear is a game changer. Once you have that vision, you can focus on the steps you need to take to get there.

So what is the root cause of procrastination for you?

Once you identify it, you will move your business forward with more ease.

Whether it’s stepping into and solidifying your vision, determining a clear plan of action so you can focus, or getting unstuck and moving forward, all of these challenges can be solved through solution-focused business coaching.

Solution-focused business coaching is a powerful tool that taps into the resourceful part of yourself. When this takes place, your brain will find the answers you’ve been looking for all along.

Solution-focused coaching is one of the best ways to pivot you away from procrastination and towards achieving your greatest goals.

Book your fifteen-minute coaching consultation with Jen DeTracey by sending an email to


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